Scene I: The piggy home

(There’s a mother pig and three pigs in the inside of a little piggy house)

Mother pig:”Oh dear, this can’t continue like this! Each time you get bigger it’s harder and harder to keep running the house! It is time for youlazy obese skunks to make your own house… And have a wife!”

Pig 1: “But mommy…”

Pig 2: “But mommy…”

Mother pig: “Shuuuuuuut up!”

Pig 3: (happy) “Okey dockey, mamma! Don’t get worried, because I’m gonna be rich, and I’ll buy you a mansion with a beautiful red car, and I’ll have 3 wifes at a time, because I’m starting a great business!”

Mother pig: (changing of attitude) “Are you sure? The forest can be dangerous, and you could get hurt.”

Pig 3: “Do not worry, momma, this two witless over here (pointing to pig 1 and 2) will protect me from any harm”

Pig 1: “Us? Why us?”

Pig 2: “If he wants to be safe, why doesn’t he stay here, under his bed hugged to his teddy bear?”

Pig 1: “That’s a very good idea!”

Mommy pig: “Shuuuuuuut up! (angrily)”

Pig 3: (Retouring from being interrupted) “As I was saying…”

Pig 2: It’s –I- not –me- dimwit!

Pig 3: But –me- sound better, me, me, me, me, me!

Pig 1: Stop it, dumb!

Mother pig: Do what he says and that’s final word.

End of part I


Scene I: The wolf house

(There’s a mother wolf and a little wolf in the inside of a wolf house’s common room.)

Mother wolf:” You know dear, I think you should find some friends who help you not to be so shy.”

Wolf: “I don’t need friends, but a full moon night, the one howls with me when it’s dark.”

Mother wolf: “Oh, you poet, always talking in rhymes! Some friends will serve and that’s it, silly!”

Wolf: My hope is low, and so my chance , but I won’t surrender in my search for right!

(He exits the house)

End of act II


In the forest

Scene I

(There’s a forest with tall trees and low bushes, whose branches fragment the light. 3 pigs appear running)

Pig 3:” Follow me, my fatuous brothers! I smell business over there, and where there’s business, there’s money!”

Pig 1: “What a silly race, in search of gold that doesn’t exist at all!”

Pig 2: “Let’s stop, my legs are tired, and without resting, I’ll soon finish on fire!”

Scene II

(From behind a tree the wolf appears)

Wolf: “Finally, I have found it, I found my mate! Who can rhyme with me every every day!”

Pig 3: “Who’s this sucker?”

Wolf: (To pig 2) “Excuse me moi, signoire du rhyme, I’m the one so-called Dick.”

Pig 2:” Hi, Dick! My name is pig.”

Pig 1: “So is my, welcome Dick!”

Pig 3: “Come on, you idiots!”

Pig 2:” I’d so much like a branch of a tree to fall rough and plane into my little brother’s silly face!

Pig 2: That doesn’t rhyme, but it should happen.

(A branch falls onto Pig.3’s head, having him fall with a great Stamp!)

Pig 1 and 2: “Justice has been done! Hooray! Hooray!”

Wolf: “Now, would you like to come home where I can teach you to do proper rhymes? If you don’t, I will be feeling sad…”

Pig 2: “No problem,  friend, we’ll go with you, and please forget this little accident.”

(When he says this, he points to pig 3, the one has passed out).

Wolf: “Then it’s time to finish this strange play, with a happy wolf and his two new friends.”

All: And that’s the end!

(The curtains go down)